Doing Business in Spain – Business Etiquette

Culture influences language and language, in turn, influences culture. This happens in ways both obvious and almost imperceptible. TJC Global understands that being fluent in a language also means being fluent in the subtleties and intricacies of the culture and business etiquette associated with it. To ensure that no embarrassing misunderstandings occur in a professional context, all our translators and interpreters are experts in the business culture and etiquette associated with the languages they work with.
Most of the population of Spain speaks Spanish, which is better known as “Castellano”, although other official languages exist in different parts of the country. Amongst these are: Galicia, Basque, Catalan, Valencian and Aranese. But you need not worry: even if you are conducting business in one of these parts of the country, you will be able to communicate in Spanish with most people.
Spanish people’s level of English can vary from proficient to very basic. You should prepare yourself for the fact that even business men and women might not speak English at all. It is, thus, recommended to hire an interpreter if you are not a Spanish speaker.
Click here for more information about our Spanish Language Services
Addressing People
Spanish names are usually very long, being composed of two first names followed by two surnames (The father’s and mother’s family names). An example of this is this typical Spanish name: Carlos Jesus Rojas Herrera.
Another common way to address people is through the word “Don” for men and “Doña” for women, followed by their first name. This symbolises respect and can be used in formal occasions. It is also correct to address man with “Señor Don” and the complete name of the person (name and surname). However, be careful not to use the word “Señor/Señora/Señorita” with the first name or “Don/Doña” with the surname, as this would be a mistake. Both ways of addressing can be used in verbal as well as written communication.
Meeting and Greeting
When meeting for the first time a firm hand-shake and good eye-contact is appropriate. However when people become well-acquainted with each other, it is common to say “hello” and “goodbye” with a friendly hug and a little slap on the back for men, and with two kisses for women, (similar to the French style of greeting).
It is recommended to arrive on time to meetings. In the past Spanish people were thought to be not as punctual as the rest of Europe. However, the customs of the Spanish people have changed considerably during the last few years and the Spanish nowadays are as punctual as those of any other European country.
It is good to bear in mind that business procedures can take a while in Spain.
Presentation cards are widely used; they are usually given out during the first meeting. It is a good idea to have them printed in both Spanish and English. Business cards should include all your degrees and professional certifications, as this shows the expertise and capacity of the person in their area. It is also a good idea to provide a presentation card with the Spanish side facing the recipient.
Spanish people tend to speak loudly and to make an extensive use of body language in conversation. This should not be taken as an expression of anger. Spanish people go straight to the point and will expect you to do the same.
In meetings it is common for people to speak at the same time or for someone to be interrupted when speaking. This should not be interpreted as impolite, as it is merely a cultural difference.
It is acceptable to discuss business during dinner or in a café.
Dining protocols are the same as those of the rest of Europe. Much of the food, including fruit, is eaten with a knife and fork.
A tip of 5% in restaurants is considered enough. Tipping in other situations follows the same rules as in other European countries.
Lunch and dinner times in Spain are usually later than in many other European countries. Lunchtime is between 2 and 3 p.m., while Dinner time is between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. (or even later). Dinner in Spain is as important as lunch.
It is appropriate to arrive on time if invited to a lunch, dinner or party as the host might be waiting for you to start the event.
Unlike other Spanish speaking countries, the toilets are called “servicios” (services).
If you do not wish to be served more food you can express this by placing your fork and knife parallel to each other with the handles facing to the right.
Conversation Topics
Avoid starting conversations about politics and football since they are very controversial topics and can lead to endless arguments. A good conversational topic would be your country’s traditions and customs.
It is common for Spaniards to amiably slap one anothers’ shoulders or arm when having an informal conversation.
In Spain if you receive a gift you are expected to open it immediately and act as if you are pleasantly surprised.
It is acceptable to give gifts to business partners. It is common to send cards or little presents to business partners at Christmas and New Year.
Red flowers mean love and may be misinterpreted.
National Holidays
You should expect most offices and some businesses to be closed on the following days:
- Jueves y viernes santo (Holy Thursday and Good Friday): It is traditional to have “Procesiones” on these days, which represent the death of Jesus Christ.
- May 1st “Día del trabajo” (day of work).
- August 15th: “Día de la Virgen the Agosto”: On this day the assumption of the Virgin is celebrated. In many parts of the country there is a big fair.
- October 12th “Día de la hispanidad”: America’s discovery is celebrated on this day. It is also the day of the “Virgen del Pilar”, which is the most important Virgin in Spain.
- December 6th “Día de la constitución”: In this day the approval of the constitution is celebrated.
- December 8th: “Día de la inmaculada concepción”: This is a religious holiday.
- December 24th and 25th “Nochebuena y Navidad”: Christmas celebration.
- December 31st “Año Nuevo” (New Year’s Eve): During the last twelve seconds of the old year one grape is eaten per second (each one represents a month of the year which is coming), with a wish being made for each of the grapes consumed. At twelve o’clock people go to the church to a service call “Misa del Gallo” (Roast Service).
Other Traditional Days
January 6th “Dia de Reyes” (Wisemen’s day): Similar to Santa Claus’s tradition in other countries, parents buy toys for their children and put them in secret in the living room late at night on January 5th. Some people celebrate this day with their families with a traditional hot chocolate and “Rosca de Reyes” (traditional Spanish bread).
December 28th “Día de los inocentes” (Innocent’s day): Day in which it is acceptable to make practical jokes. You shouldn’t believe anything you are told this day and you should not lend money to anyone, as you risk never receiving it back.
Working Hours and Opening Times
The “siesta”, which is an afternoon nap after lunch, intended for relaxation from work, is not very common nowadays. Nevertheless, some businesses, especially shops, close at lunch time for two or three hours and open again during the afternoon. In general, businesses open from 10:00 to 1:30 – 2:00 p.m. and open again in the afternoon at 4:00-5:00 until 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Offices open from Monday to Friday at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. having lunch from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. approximately.
Banks and government offices tend to close early in the afternoon (around 2 or 3 p.m.) from Monday to Friday.
Restaurants, bars and clubs can be open until very late at night, with some of them not even closing at all. Many businesses are opened on Saturday, but not on Sunday.
For social occasions such as dinner, theatre, etc, the style of dress tends to be more casual than in other European countries, which is probably due to the Spanish hot weather.
What forms of interpreter services can TJC Global provide?

Video/videoconference interpreting: (Video Remote Interpreting is also available) TJC provides professional language interpreting services to support a wide range of events, including business meetings, conferences, legal proceedings (court hearings, arbitration, or litigation), and other online business interactions across industries.
Participants can connect via video or voice calls using computers, laptops, smartphones, or tablets. If needed, sessions can be recorded to facilitate the creation of meeting minutes. Our highly qualified interpreters seamlessly join virtual meetings, events, or proceedings to provide remote interpretation in the language pairing required, ensuring clear and effective communication for all parties involved. Additionally, we offer relay interpreting services as needed.

Telephone/teleconference interpreting: Telephone or teleconference interpreting is an efficient solution for overcoming language barriers. The interpreter can either work remotely (separate from both parties) or be physically present with one of the parties. In either scenario, they provide interpreting services through a telephone conferencing setup.
This service is particularly valuable for clients unable to travel internationally but still need to conduct business discussions or share progress updates. At TJC Global, we are proud to offer professionally qualified interpreters in a wide range of language combinations, ensuring clear and effective communication.
Simultaneous & Consecutive interpreting

Simultaneous interpreting (also available with Video Remote Interpretation (VRI))
Simultaneous interpreting is ideal for international conferences, high-stakes business discussions, seminars, and symposiums. Typically, two to three interpreters work from a soundproof booth, separate from the audience. They take turns interpreting at high speed, switching every 15–20 minutes to maintain focus and ensure the highest quality interpretation.
Using headsets, the interpreters listen to the speaker’s message and deliver it in the target language almost instantly (“simultaneously”) to the intended audience. This method also supports relay interpreting, which is especially useful for multilingual presentations where speakers use several languages.

Consecutive interpreting (also available with Video Remote Interpretation (VRI)) is one of the most widely used types of interpretation. It is suitable for business discussions, negotiations, contract signings, commercial, legal, and technical meetings, medical appointments, court hearings, on-site inspections, and audits.
In this mode, the interpreter listens carefully to the speaker, often taking notes, and then conveys the meaning in the target language. They typically wait for a natural pause or for the speaker to finish a segment before delivering the interpretation quickly and accurately.
Consecutive interpreting is also commonly employed in conferences for panel discussions, Q&A sessions, or private interactions between parties, whether at a stand or another setting.
Looking for translation or interpreting assistance?
TJC Global provides specialist interpreting and translation services in various specialist fields. Whatever your requirements, we can find the right linguist to assist you. If your industry or project type is not listed here, please contact us directly with your enquiry.
Our language specialists utilise their knowledge of subject-specific terminology to deliver precise, unambiguous translations, whatever the context – enabling you to communicate effectively with the rest of the world. We are also able to adapt to almost any type of project.
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