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Deposition Interpreting Services | Interpreters in Copenhagen, Denmark

Video Remote Interpreters also available

TJC Global provides professional deposition interpreters in Copenhagen and throughout Denmark in multiple languages.

With over twenty-five years experience of providing interpreting and translation services, we offer a tailored interpreting service for any aspect of deposition or Examination Before Trial.

Legal deposition interpretation services are a key part of TJC Global’s expert legal interpretation services.

Our Copenhagen based deposition interpreters are all highly-trained experts who understand the nuances and complexities of the languages they work with. They are familiar with the procedure for depositions and often have specialist knowledge of the subject area of the case.

What forms of interpreter services can TJC Global provide?

Dutch arbitration interpeter video

Video/videoconference interpreting: (Video remote interpreting is also available) TJC provides language interpreting services to support events such as business meetings, conferences, legal/court/arbitration/litigation, and other online business interactions in the industry.

Participants can communicate via video or voice calls using computers, laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. These can be recorded should you wish to take minutes. Our professionally qualified interpreters can join your online virtual meeting, event, or proceeding, for example, and interpret remotely in the language pairing you require to facilitate smooth communication between all parties. They also provide relay interpreting.

Telephone interpreting Dutch arbitration

Telephone/teleconference interpreting is a practical way to bridge any language barriers. The interpreter is either located remotely (away from either party) or is with one of the parties. In both cases, they deliver interpreting services through telephone conferencing.

Telephone interpretation is helpful for clients who cannot travel to their counterparts’ countries but still wish to hold business discussions or communicate progress updates. At TJC Global, we are pleased to provide professionally qualified interpreters in almost any selected language combination.

Simultaneous & Consecutive interpreting

Simultaneous interpreting

Simultaneous interpreting (also available with Video Remote Interpretation (VRI))

is used for international conferences, critical business discussions, seminars & symposiums. In this case, two to three interpreters are usually situated in a booth, away from the audience, and take turns to interpret at high speed, changing over every 15-20 minutes to avoid fatigue and the lack of concentration, which affect the quality of interpretation.

The interpreters listen to the speaker’s message using headsets and repeat it immediately (practically “simultaneously”) in the target language to benefit relevant audience members. They also provide relay interpreting, which is helpful if the speakers give presentations in several languages.

Consecutive interpreting

Consecutive interpreting (also available with Video Remote Interpretation (VRI)) is the most common type. It is used for business discussions, negotiations, contract exchanges, commercial, legal and technical meetings, medical or court hearings, or on-site inspections or audits. The interpreter listens to the speaker, often making notes, and later delivers the meaning in the target language.

The interpreter may wait until a pause or the end, at which point they deliver a translation relatively quickly. Consecutive interpreting may also be used at conferences for panel discussions, Q&A sessions or private discussions between parties – at a stand or elsewhere.

1. Why choose TJC Global’s Copenhagen Deposition Interpreters?

In addition to relevant professional qualifications, our deposition interpreters often have more than 10 years experience in deposition and legal interpretatation, meaning they will always provide language services of the highest-quality no matter the interpreting environments.

Our Copenhagen deposition interpreters combine expertise in their chosen industry with advanced language skills and a knowledge of relevant legal terminology meaning they are able to ensure accurate translations of complex industry or legal jargon.

TJC interpreters have earned the trust of hundreds of international law firms, governmental institutions, private companies and many other organisations. Find out more about our previous clients

2. Languages we cover

If the language you are looking for is not listed here, please contact us directly.

3. Locations our deposition interpreters cover

Our interpreters cover locations in Denmark and major cities worldwide. For some of the cities our deposition interpreters cover in and around Denmark, please see below.

For a full list of the cities we cover worldwide, please click here.

If the location you require is not listed, chances are we will still cover it – please contact us directly.

4. Our clients include:

Allan and Overy

Herbert Smith Freehills

And many more…

5. About Depositions

Commonly used in the law of the United States and Canada, depositions, also known in some states as Examinations Before Trials, are out-of court oral testimonies made by witnesses as a means of gathering information for later use in court or as part of the litigation discovery process. During the deposition, the witness/witnesses are asked questions by the litigators (attorneys) which they must answer under oath. No judge is present and the court is not involved in this process. The witness(es)’ testimony is recorded by either a stenographer or electronic recording device and may be called upon in court.

When a witness does not speak English as their first language, interpreters are required to bridge any communication difficultues. Given the vital importance of depositions in the litigation process, interpreters used in depositions must be experienced, professional and adhere to judicial protocol. They must have a thorough knowledge of “legalese” and any relevant industry terminology, as well as a thorough grasp of the nuances and idiosyncracies of both languages as questions are often challenging and/or subtle. Due to the recent increase in non-English speaking witnesses, highly-skilled deposition interpreters are now even more in demand. TJC can guarantee deposition interpreters of the highest calibre, with many years experience in this type of work and the competence to ensure clarity, precision and utmost discretion.

6. About Danish

Danish, known by speakers as “Dansk” is a Northern Germanic language spoken mainly in Denmark but also as a minority language in the German region of Southern Schleswig in the county of Schleswig-Holstein, where around 50,000 Danes live. Its speakers number approximately 6 million worldwide, with small communities of Danish speakers inhabiting the USA and Canada. It is believed that 15- 20% of the inhabitants of Greenland speak Danish as their native tongue.

Danish a language descended from Old Norse, which was spoken by the Germanic population during the Viking era, and is thus similar to Swedish and Norwegian. Nonetheless, Danish is the language which is the most substantially changed from Old Scandinavian, veering away from its sister languages around 1000AD. It is now more easily understood by Norwegian speakers than Swedes, although the three languages are usually mutually intelligible to accomplished speakers. Swedes like to joke that Danish sounds like Swedish spoken with a potato in one’s mouth, while Danes believe Swedish sounds like drunken Danish!

Modern Danish is written using the Latin alphabet, plus 3 additional letters: æ, ø, and å, however, old Danish used a Runic script, with examples of inscriptions dating back to 250AD. The language is commonly taught in schools in Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands.

Danish is acknowledged all over the world as a language and a culture of literary significance. The annonymously written Anglo-Saxon Beowulf was set in Denmark – and so was Shakespeare’s masterpiece: Hamlet. The master of fairytales himself was also a Dane. Hans Christian Andersen’s “Little Mermaid” famously sits upon a rock in Copenhagen’s harbour and reminds us all of the beautiful tales spun from this fascinating language.

Why not check out TJC Global’s top tips for Doing Business in Denmark.

7. Areas for which we provide US Deposition Interpreters

High Court

Corporate Litigation

Court Orders

Attorney-Client Consultations

Criminal Proceedings

Witness Preparation

Crown Court Hearings

Taking Evidence Abroad

Witness Statements

Protective Orders

Legal Bundles

District Court Hearings

Contractual Meetings/Hearings

Civil Court Hearings

Client/Solicitor Meetings

Discovery Interviews

Ad Hoc Proceedings


Patents & Intellectual Property

Deposition Transcripts

Commercial Law

Corporate affairs

Criminal Law

Conflict of Laws

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Videotape Depositions

Financial Services

Insurance Coverage Litigation

Foreign Investment

Infrastructure projects

Civil Matters

Joint Ventures

Contract Litigation

International Trade

Labour law

Probate and Fiduciary Litigation

Looking for interpreting assistance in other fields?

TJC Global provides specialist interpreting and translation services in various specialist fields. Whatever your requirements, we can find the right linguist to assist you.
If your industry or project type is not listed here, please contact us directly with your enquiry.

Our interpreters utilise their knowledge of subject-specific terminology to deliver precise, unambiguous interpretation, whatever the context – enabling you to communicate effectively with the rest of the world.
We are also able to adapt to almost any type of project.

What to do next?

Please use the Quick Quote system above for a quote for interpreting, translation services or a related enquiry.
If you would like more information about our language services, please contact us.